
Brainguru Technologies has developed a Payroll Management System (PMS) to streamline all aspects of the payroll process. PMS system has user-friendly interface, the modules are integrated and highly inter-operable. They can be customized and upgraded easily to meet the needs of organizations of any size.
Modules of PMS :-

  • Master – This module obtains basic organization and employee information.
  • Payment Process – This module identifies payment category, tax and benefit information.
  • Employee Transactions – This module keep records of employee status changes.
  • Payroll Process – This module generates pay slips and other relevant financial reports.
  • Queries and Reports – This module brings customizable reports and permits conversion of these reports into distinct file formats.
  • Administration – This module is the security module where access levels are identified and managed.

Summary of PMS :-

Payroll Management Software generally consist of two major activities, Payroll Accounting and Payroll Administration. Payroll Accounting includes:

  • Calculate the salaries, bonuses, commissions and wages of employees.
  • Documenting the results of payroll activities.
  • Preparing required tax returns.

The definition combine the task of reporting the results of payroll activities to the state, federal and local tax agencies. Payroll administration deals with the supervisory aspects of maintaining a payroll, many of which are distinct from the accounting aspect of payroll. Payroll administration includes:

  • Managing employees salary and payroll information.
  • Compliance with federal, state and local employment laws.
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