LeadNXT is a niche product for today’s marketing business where every single Lead counts. It is a combination of Cloud Telephony, Web API and Lead management.
It manage, follow and generate leads which enables you to track the business leads in an effective way. It helps the business to gain competition in market with reduced marketing cost and achieve higher productivity.

Welcome Message

With LeadNXT , the callers can be deviated to sundry departments. Even if the office is small – multiple departments can be created to give the impression of a bigger company.

Call Forwarding

LeadNXT enables you and your employees to remain connected from the road, at home or anywhere they go. With Call Forwarding, you and your employees can be contacted on virtually any telephone in the world be it on your cell, in the office, or at home.

Call Details

LeadNXT permits you to keep record of all calls made on your number with details including caller details, call duration and time, call recordings etc. in real time from anywhere using online control panel.

Call Recordings

Call Recording in any business plays a most important role for advisors, Lawyers, Real Estate Agents, and other specialists looking to log contractual conversations.

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